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Arjuna- The Hero Herb Your Heart Needs

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

arjuna, heart health, cardiovascular, cholesterol, ayurvedic herb, naturevox, arjun chal, Himalaya Wellness Arjuna Tablet 60's

The Arjuna Tree [Terminalia Arjun] commonly known as Arjuna is a widely grown tree in India. This rose-colored tree bark is a prominent herb in Ayurveda as it reduces the risk of heart diseases, Angina, Liver, and Kidney Health.

The herb is common in the Indian Peninsula. Arjuna consists of dried stem bark of the plant known as Terminalia Arjuna Rob, belonging to the Combretaceae family.

How does Arjuna get its name?

Well, the name “Arjuna” is popular and is most connected with the lead character of the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata. Hundreds of years ago, the arjuna tree was given a name suiting its traditional role of protecting the heart, as its mythological namesake hero brought courage, strength, and protection to his family in battle.

arjuna, heart health, cardiovascular, cholesterol, ayurvedic herb, naturevox, arjun chal, Himalaya Wellness Arjuna Tablet 60's

Benefits of Arjuna:

It has various medicinal properties like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial. Focusing on particularity –

In Ayurveda, Arjuna is used as a lymph tonic for the heart. Studies say that when the lymph system around the heart gets congested, the ability of the heart to pump in a healthy way decreases. Arjuna focuses specifically to keep the lymph moving and draining around the heart which then encourages healthy arterial blood flow and healthy muscular contractions.

Angina is the pain that occurs when the heart is receiving low oxygen. It habitually happens when the heart is working hard, such as during exercise, but it can also happen at random. Arjuna was found to reduce the frequency of angina attacks by 50 percent or more in patients taking 200mg – 500mg of Arjuna extract daily.

The mighty antioxidants found in Arjuna work to improve liver and kidney function as well, helping these organs to flush toxins out of the body whilst encouraging bile production (in the liver).

Make sure to include this mighty herb in your daily diet. To the people who know and To the people who don’t, Arjuna can be feasibly found in our Naturevox Angiovox and NaturevoxLivovox Tablets.

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